
He spat blood at my feet. “No,” he declared flatly. His partner inched closer. “Especially not Death.”

I laughed. “Fellas listen up. I am getting into this building. Either we can do it the easy way with you just allowing me to enter. Or we can do it a very bloody way. Choice is yours.”

The pair looked at each other and nodded. I sighed, “Bloody way it is.” I closed my eyes and letting the miasma that was my aura overtake me. I slowly open my eyes. The brown pupils and the white of my eyes were replaced by an emerald green. Not that these two anklebitters could see it. They were far to low on the power scale to even begin perceiving the differences between us.

Sadly for me, the moment I used a tiny sliver of my power, I lit up like a candle in a dark room to everyone above a groinlicker inside.

I was brought back to reality by a powerful punch to the stomach. Well it was strong enough to lift me up off the ground, it was far too weak to damage me. A perfectly synchronized punch across the jaw from the partner sent me toward some dumpsters. I landed in a trash heap.

“So much for his punk ass,” one said as they walked toward me.

“At least he will make a good lunch,” the other added. I start laughing causing them to both stop mid stride. “Come now, fellas. The night is still young.” I pick myself off the ground. The second looked to the first and they both broke out into a full run at me. The one that sent me flying reached me first. A roundhouse kick sent her into the dumpsters. The male was much more beefy. We started to exchange blows. Since I was scrawny compared to him, if someone just saw the fight without context would assume I was losing. His blows pushed and lifted me like a rag doll. But it was the opposite. My blows were far more punishing to him than his was to me.

A strike to the jaw later and he too was sent into the dumpsters. I calmly walked to the door and placed a hand on the handle. Only to pull my hand back a split second later, to avoid a pipe blow. The woman had returned this time armed with a pipe. Her swings were wild and uncoordinated. But they were fast.

I dodged as best I could. I took a few blows as I waited for an opening. It came when she thought she had the upper hand when she struck a steam vent. I reached out for her throat and hand with pipe. She struggled in vain to escape my vice grip. I slammed her into the door. Then I walked her back a good distance and run full speed. Slamming her through the door. I tossed her aside like a rag. “Fucking anklebitters,” I spat.

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