Detail an average day in the life of your protagonist before your story starts.

You don't have to write a dramatic story, just get into the mindset of your character and think about their daily behaviours, interactions and emotions.

A Day in the Life

Mary has always been a Neo-Liberal, Consequentialist Rambler. Her parents are Neo-Liberal, Philagnostic Ramblers, and her grandparents on both sides are Neo-Liberal, Escapist Survivors. As a Neo-Liberal Mary believes it is the responsibility of the strong to protect and care for the weak - no matter the cause of their weakness. As a Consequentialist Mary is guided by the idea that what is “right” or “good” is whatever action will lead to the most good or at least minimize the suffering as much as possible. This combination is not uncommon, and for the most part the pairing is copacetic, but the grey area comes when protecting the weak diminishes the good or increase suffering for an outsized number of people. Nevertheless, NLCs are the most compassionate, caring people you will find in 2068. As a Rambler Mary longs for new experiences in new places. This drive means she is often not in her hometown. These qualities are essential to who Mary is and knowing them increases understanding of her daily life. Typically, Mary wakes up in a Vacation Pod. These are private rooms of great comfort oriented toward the isolated section of a curated destination. The section is isolated to minimize socialization between Assignments. Mary opens her eyes in her latest Vacation Pod. This one is located in a tropical location, which is her second favorite climate next to deep wood. She takes four deep breaths directing each one into a different extremity. With one more massive inhale as she rises from the bed. She walks out to the balcony of the geometric Pod and mindfully follows her daily yoga routine. As she finishes in child’s pose, she hears the faint sound of rotating propellers. She rises with her eyes closed and her hands together, outstretched in front of her chest. The delivery drone gently releases a paper package into her open hands. “This better be good…and tropical!” She said with layers of sarcasm. It was always good and always local. Mary stats on the balcony watching the waves ebbing and flowing as she enjoys her breakfast. Before she can finish eating her mind drifts to its familiar atypical state. The questions swirl in her mind and, as usual, she has no real answers for herself. <i>How did we arrive at The Assignment? Is there more to life than helping others and traveling? Why do we exist? Why do we know we exist? What is the point? Is Free Will important? Who knows the answers? Am I the only one who doesn’t know them?<\i> Mary takes her last bite and begins her yoga routine again in hopes of clearing her mind. The only thought she can’t release is her greatest fear: <i> What if they find out? What if they already know? <\i> Mary knows she she needs a stronger distraction, “Goosirexa, blast my top 10.” Goosirexa speaks, “What would you like me to blast, Kasper?” “The beach in front of me. 1 hour.” “Blast has been sent. Would you like to be kept in the loop?” “Yes.” “Great. Oh! Meredith has just confirmed her presence.” “Sweet. Start the shower in wake up.” “Your Wake Up Shower is waiting for you. Your beach outfit will be waiting on the bed when you return.” “High five!” Goosirexa enters the room with her robot arm up ready to engage in a high five with Mary. While in the shower Goosirexa informs her that Bobbie, Jasmine, and Scarlet confirmed their presence while Suzanne, Dalia, Hemingway, Salmon, and Aire denied attendance. This only leaves Sandstone, which is not surprising. Even if she does respond, it’s no guarantee her presence or denial. Mary spends most of the day on the beach with her friends. They talk about travels past and future. The upcoming Assignment was discussed briefly and dismissed because people don’t change after a certain age. It’s more of a formality after 25 years old. The girls engaged everyone who wandered by on the beach. They had some interesting conversations about why and how they could help those less fortunate than them. Of course, no one really suffers in 2068, but the choices some make are not conducive with “the good life” according to NLCs.m The Delivery Drones visits the beach as needed and everyone stays hydrated and nourished perfectly. The sun sets and Mary retires to her pod. She will be in this location for 2 weeks before having to travel to her hometown for this year’s Alignment.
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