The Ship And The Storm 2

The next day, I walk up onto the crows nest and start looking. No news about Kathleen yet. I see a few gusts of wind, but nothing special. I hop down, and go to the captains office. Or how he likes to call it, his “lair.” I asked him about Kathleen. “Oh that whippersnapper? We fired her.” “Oh, ok.” “Is there something wrong with that?” “Well, we were kinda friends…” I said. “Tell me one thing she did for you.” I thought and thought. “Nothing?” The captain asked. “Yeah,” I said slowly. “You may be dismissed.” After 10 minutes on the crows nest I start to see those gusts of wind are getting more abundant and violent. “Holy cow!” I said. The ship had been blown off its course. The captain ran up the deck. “What’s going on in here?” “Sand storm!” Everybody yelled. The captain sprinted to the wheel and swerved backwards. He then turned the other way. Wind pushed it back. “What the!” The ship was almost tipped on its side. “Someone throw the anchor!” The captain ordered. I grabbed the Anchor and threw it. But just as I did it, I had lunged too far. I fall. I hit the ground with a thud and everything goes black.

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