by Sans @

Write a halloween horror in less than 10 sentences.

Bride From The Beyond

As soon as the sun dips below the horizon on Halloween, Desiree makes her appearance. Her tattered, stained wedding dress hangs loosely on her rotting bones. She sits atop the crypt of her lover. They were married in a festive October ceremony with pumpkins and lanterns adorning the restored barn. The costumed guests drank spiced apple cider and danced to the Monster Mash. Under the light of a harvest moon, the newlyweds journeyed down windy backroads to the highway that would take them to the airport. Twas not to be as a deer darted in front of their car. Her lover swerved, crashing headfirst into a majestic oak tree. Instead of returning to the scene of the crash, Desiree awaits for her lover atop his grave.
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