You are on date, and your date has arranged to abseil down a building. You have a huge fear of heights, yet want to impress them.
Focus on your character's emotion and what completing the task could mean for them.
Abseil-lutely Not, But Ok
“You want to do what now?” I ask Rachel as we sit there in the cafe, drinking our $10 coffees.
“I want to abseil down a building,” she says nonchalantly as she takes a sip of her coffee. “It’s been something I’ve wanted for to do for a while and I figured with things going so well between us that you might want to join me.”
I just blink in shock. Sure things were going great, actually better then great, things were amazing between us. Ten dates in and I have never felt so close with any girl in my life, not even my own mother. She was absolutely amazing, but what she was asking pushed all my wrong buttons.
“Just I am clear on what your asking,” I state just trying to still wrap my head around it. “You want to go to the top of a building a then abseil down it, correct?”
“Because why not? Are you scared, or something?”
“Absolutely terrified but is this really what you want to do today? I mean we could do something else if you want.”
“No I want to do this, Andrew, I’ve already booked the appointment. Look if you don’t want to go I can always call up Todd or Garrett. I’m sure they’d like to go with me.”
And there it was, her trump card, and of course she would play it. There was no way I could say no now, not when she brought up those two.
Todd the egotistical, self centred, jag off who thinks the world revolves around him, and Garrett the super athletic, Olympian who is also a renowned playboy.
Both of them are wealthy, good looking and they both want Rachel, but not for the same reasons I do. They just want, and I quote “a good time”.
“Alright,” I say with a sigh. “I’m in. Let’s do this.”
“Yes!” Rachel squeaks. “This is going to be so much fun.” She slides her phone face down towards me.”
“What’s this?” I ask.
She leans over the table and whispers in my ear, “That… is what you’ll get afterwards.” She kisses my cheek before sitting back down. I smile, flip the phone and giggle.
“Ice cream. Really?”
“Well yes of course. It’s a hot day why not.” She leans in again as she stands. “And after that we can do another activity. One that involves a lot less clothes and a big comfy bed.” She smiles and walks away. I smile back and follow her.
Guess today is the day I finally conquer my fear of heights. The ice cream better be worth it.