Write a 100-word description of your main character's physical appearance.

Consider which features are most important to mention; which might factor into the story, or change the way the reader, and other characters, interact with your protagonist?


Her eyes, a light blue lined by dark lashes, were deep, like her soul was peering out through her round glasses. She had freckles dotted across her nose and cheeks. Her porcelain face was framed by her hair. It was dark brown, very long, and looked as if she had recently had it in a braid. She played with a small piece of hair, twirlling it with her fingers. Fingers that were covered in tattoos and had long painted nails. She wore three rings all gold. One appeared to be an engagement ring as its clear stone sat upon her fourth finger. On the inside of her wrist appeared to be another tattoo but it was hidden under her sleeve. She wore an ivory sweater that was thick and knitted. She also wore black leggings, clunky black platform boots, and a patterned scarf hung long around her neck.

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