“The knife belongs to me.”

Create a single dramatic scene which starts with this line of speech.

The Knife

“The knife belongs to me."

"Please… d-don’t do this." Addie wheezed, holding onto her side as blood dripped through her fingers. "It won’t bring her back."

"Why not? It brought your precious Damon back, why not my sister?"

"No… that thing, w-whatever that was… it wasn’t Damon. It just l-looked like him." Addie tried to make Kat understand, but she was hellbent, and when she wanted something she would do everything in her power to get it, even if it meant killing her best friend. Addie almost couldn’t give a shit what Kat did with the knife at this point. She had tortured her, beat her, made her hurt in places she never knew she could. All she wanted to do was survive.

Kat approached Addie’s weak, worn out form and sneered. She could imagine stepping on her, squishing her like a bug, ridding herself of this parasite. The girl had made it infuriatingly difficult when there was no need, and she wouldn’t stop for no one, no matter the consequences.

"Give me the knife, Addie." They locked eyes, Addie’s pleading, Kat’s deadly. "Give me the knife!"

Addie struggled and shrank within herself, she couldn’t fight no more. Didn’t want to fight no more. So, fuck it, she thought and handed it over. Whatever happened now was out of her hands, she just hoped that whatever came out of it, gave Kat exactly what she wanted and more.

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