Please, leave alone my broken soul
Write a vilanelle that includes this in it. A vilanelle is a nineteen-line poetic form consisting of five tercets followed by a quatrain.
Please, leave alone my broken soul,
Let my fractured spirit wander,
For my rest is in my sorrow.
I cannot dream to be complete,
Or feel my heart grow full,
With her absence in tomorrow.
My lifeblood freezes in my veins,
My lungs will not inflate,
This is time I only borrow.
To know she’s gone and shall remain,
It fills my chest with dread,
After her, I long to follow.
There is no joy or peace in this,
A life lived from her apart,
Leaves my own world feeling hollow.
Let love greet love in a far off place,
Allow me to take solace in this rejoining,
If I should fall asleep in death’s embrace,
Then I shall find her in the light of the morning