Living In The Light

As I breach the darkness that has surrounded me my whole life i immdediantly get blinded by a bright light, so bright my eyes sting for three minutes straight and i collapse to the ground. As i collapse to the ground i feel something, something spiky. As my vision is restored small green spikes are all around me, but they don’t hurt. I then start to brush them around with my hand, the way they move is so hypnotic. I then look back up at the bright light. A massive ball of light is positioned in an ocean of blue. I don’t know what any of this is, i don’t know where i am or who i am. “Sweetie, come back to mama please.” I hear this coming from the hall i ran from. I immediately pick myself up and begin to run, run like i never have before. As i run i notice that some of the small green spikes have grown into huge towers of green. More of these towers would appear around me, it was beautiful. After what felt like hours of running my body forces me to collapse to the ground. As i sit there trying to catch my breath i see the most amazing thing. A small creature, so small i can barley see its head. The creature has the most amazing patters on its wings as it flapped effortlessly around me. As i slowly lifted myself up off the ground many more of these creatures started circling around me, i couldn’t help but look at each individual pattern on the wings. Some dark orange with stripes, some bright red with spots. The flying creatures begin to move in the same direction, but instead of moving it looks more like dancing, the most amazing dance you have ever seen. With every ounce of strength I have left, i pick myself up and follow them. Eventually the tall towers of green lead to a clearing. A massive pond of water covered in small green plates fades into view. As i look back up at the winged creatures i can see them all flying above it. The crystal water shimmered in the light, this is something i have never seen before. I slowly hop into the pond, one foot after the other until i am completely submerged up to my neck. This is the most amazing feeling i have ever felt. But i soon realised I didn’t have long left, im starving to death. Even though i should look for food, and try to stay alive for some reason i just want to stay, stay in this pond watching all the creatures around me. The shiny swimming ones, the small fluffy ones, the long scaly ones. If my time on earth has been nothing but darkness, fear and death then i want to spend my last moments in the light seeing all the things I’ve missed.

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