Stage Left

She enters stage left shaking. But strong in her art. Gracefully she extends herself to the audience, revealing secrets as she glides across the lit space.

She is nervous and frantic. But her thoughts do not reflect her movements. She is the amplification of melodic sounds flowing from the symphonic composition.

Through cavorting she expresses her deepest desire. Giving away her entirety. This strikes her as precarious. Not solid on her two feet even though she has taken these steps thousands of times.

She is fully aware of all the eyes that follow every movement she makes. She wonders can they see me shake in fear? Can they see the beads of sweat developing on my brow? Can they read all of my insecurities written boldly across my face?

But somehow, she moves effortlessly across the stage. Using every bit of space possible. Stretching her limbs and soul into the empty space above. Allowing her sorrow to float away.

As the music slows, she recognizes the performance will come to an end soon. And with a final bow, the thought was gone.

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