Write a blank verse poem on a topic that's important to you.

Blank verse poetry doesn't rhyme, but has a very strict structure which builds a melody through rhythm. (One way to create this is to structure each line with the same amount of syllables, and the same syllabic stresses, like you might if you were writing the verses of a song.)

What Is Poetry

When I get home

I sit and think

Of the things I do each day

I grab a pen and Start to write

Of the things that come to mind

I might just write of the things I do

The people that I meet

The person that I care the most

Or about my dog that likes to play

I just don’t ever know

I like to say that it’s a gift

The things i have in heart

The mind can feel what coming out

I start to write it down

I just know that I’m the one

That likes to make you smile

If I can write you one good line

That can also make you laugh

It makes me feel like I’m the one

That has to write you poems

I just know that writing poems

It comes natural everyday

I sit and write what’s in my heart

Then I share my poems with everyone

Thank you guys I hope you like

The poems that i do write

Written By:

Freddie Lopez


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