New Chapter

They said forever. I guess forever meant six years.

Six years later and the last thing anyone ever thought would happen happened. That's right, everyone's favorite couple is getting a divorce.

I narrate in my head as if I'm some sort of reality tv host.

Then my mind does a little "Click" situation and rewinds back to the moment when everything changed.

It was a dreary and cold Friday evening after a long day of work. Then out of the blue, the dreaded "we need to talk" conversation was started. That fateful Friday night in November turned a beautiful and loving relationship into a "there's not a spark anymore but we're gonna try and figure this out" and walls up kind of relationship.

Now here we are and guess what, we couldn't figure it out. So you take a deep breath and continue your walk down the hallway to the court room as you go to finalize your divorce.

Well cheers to yet another New Chapter.

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