Is This All I Am?

I had been planning a camping trip with my buddy’s for a while.

But on the day of they both flaked.

I decided to go by myself and try and enjoy the time off I took for this trip.

I got to the camp ground around 5 pm,

And i was able to get set up by around 8.

I decided to have a few, because if you camp you have to drink.

It was such a beautiful night that I decided to go on a little stroll.

I was going down the nature trail when I stumbled off the side.

I try to adjust myself mid air to try and cushion the fall.

I land on my feet,

And the immense pressure from the fall had broke my legs inward.

Then I had fallen over slamming into a rock breaking one of my ribs, puncturing my lungs.

I’m laying on my back.

Starring up at the stars,

My lungs filling up with blood,

Unable to move.

As I’m laying there I hear rustling.

I look over.

It’s a bear.

My life starts flashing before my eyes as it slowly walks over to me.

Then tears start streaming down my face

I think to myself “is this all there is? Life and death? Is this all I am? Just a variable on the food chain? In the end nothing I did mattered.

Theres just survival”

The bear arrives at the man.

Sniffs him a little.

And opens his jaws.

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