Write a story about someone receiving a gift.

The gift could be anything, it doesn't need to be a physical present.


Emotionally ravaged. Confidence destroyed. My subconscious must be reeling again because here goes another self-glorified idiot who thinks he knows my life. Enraged, I’m just sweltering in this room, bursting with opinion though told not to speak for surely it will be an “excuse”… as if they even understand the difference between that word, perception and opinion. I meanwhile manage a smile… better that than the opposite anyhow. Clueless. I mean really clueless and without regard for the intellect dwelling within. I’ll just zone out as usual and plan the alternative to this current situation. I’ll need to update resume, get some references and scout online adds…. Hmmm, did he just say that? Really? I must respond if only on principle, but, that a no-win trap… ugh! Done now. Finally! I called my partner and told him what happened. Sitting still and stoic, unable to cry or feel, I could only listen to his pragmatic feedback that enriched my spirit and refuelled my confidence and trust in myself following the demolition that had just occurred. The transplanted seeds of doubt we’re uprooted. I heard his words ring truth and life: “You are the most gifted and intelligent woman I know. You’re also kind and go out of the way for others even if not reciprocated. This costs you but isn’t a bad thing. Don’t let anyone get in your head to take what’s yours! Continue to be respectful and keep your head down, it’ll be better” “Easier said than done”, I murmured back. “Listen! You’re human and you are capable. Don’t doubt that mistakes will come but it’s not the end of the road for you. Do what you believe is best and run YOUR race! Don’t let anything shake that confidence.” Wow, I thought in the silence.I was still for a moment processing the permission I received to be … well… me. With everything I had, I thanked him, amazed at first that I even needed to hear that! More amazing was the inspiration it sprung… even the different perspective he gave. He should definitely lead an army into battle! Thankfully, the inspiration not only supported my views, unlocking that which held me back, but added a renewed energy. I can overcome this too! Oh bother, here he comes again… Professor Gloom and Doom as well as his entourage if reviewers. Well, I’m ready! Negativity removed! “I’ve Gatta go babe, round 2 begins now!“
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