Write a poem which starts with the description of a sunrise, and ends with a sunset.


Indigo fades to steel And gold suddenly blossoms Across the horizon Sending streaks of light Like a sparkler Harbingers of fire The night draws to a close And I slip into the shadows The molten glow still burning in my veins I yearn to reach my pale hand Into the sun’s warmth To hold it there in blissful pain To feel the radiance on my face To live, like others do, under the open blue sky But I am a creature of shadows, of secrets Of dark, vexatious urges And so I wait in the blackness of my own making Slipping into familiar somberness Until the night again bruises the sky With mauves and magentas Until the last gold slips below the horizon Until the inky dark blankets the sky And the stars like diamonds glint In their velvet settings And my face knows only moonlight The pale reflection of joy But I drink it in, let it fill my empty soul
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