Your protagonist is selected to enter the Hunger Games, and is allowed to take one non-lethal item in with them. They choose something very unusual...

Write about how this item helps them survive.

The Ruby Ring

To all the Hunger Games lovers out there :)

Brilliant. It’s all brilliant. I dont care much about what other people say, the Hunger Games is a masterful idea. What better way to punish the districts for their deceitfulness and incompetence during this war? Today is a very special day. You see, today we will finally get to meet the mastermind behind this whole project, Casca Highbottom.

I rush down the hallway as soon as school ends and make my way towards the front of the building. There’s a stage set up in the center of the room, with Panem flags hung on many stands. Even the student’s families are gathered around, children eager to finally meet Casca.

One particular boy stands out to me. He couldn’t be more than 8 years of age, and has white-blonde hair. He seems very intrigued by the whole event, taking in every detail. As the rest of the children are running around him, I aproach the young boy.

“Hello son, what is your name?” I extend my hand to formally greet the small boy.

“Snow. Coriolanus Snow,” he replies, shaking my hand in a gentlemen like manner.

“Nice to meet you, my name is Sully Brown.”

I can already tell Coriolanus acts much older than he is, not wanting to partake in the childhood nonsense going on around him. As soon as the lights start to dim, he ushers me to be quiet, for the show is about to begin.

“Welcome one and welcome all!” Casca enters excitedly, and the crowd goes wild.

“Thank you all so much for having me at this wonderful academy, and thank you to your principle for his hard work to make this event happen!” More claps and cheers from the audience.

“Now I’m sure you all are wondering why I am here…”

The crowd turns into soft mumbles as they listen closely to his next words.

“We all have witnessed the hardships caused from this war. And the only ones to blame for this monstrosity are the districts!” A few cheers from some men in the back…

“Well, as most of you know, I have come up with a brilliant sollution to ensure that punishment and order will be upon the districts. I call it “The Hunger Games.””

At this, the crowd erupts into cheers, I even witness a few men in the front reach over the stage to try and shake Casca’s hand.

Once the applause dies down to a soft chatter, Casca continues, “These games are not only meant to punish the districts, but also to bring honor to Panem! What better way can you respect your country than to fight the enemies against it! This is exactly why I am here today. I have chosen one of you to participate in these games to represent Panem, and the greatness our country holds!”

People all around me are shocked at this revelation. Who will it be? Whoever it is, they will surely become the most famous person in the school! I can’t believe someone from my school is actually going to be the first into these games and represent our whole country!

I’m so invested into Casca’s words that I almost forget Coriolanus at my side. He tugs on my jacket to whisper a question in my ear.

“Do you want to do it?” he asks.

I wasn’t quite sure as first. The games sound a little intense, but the more I think about it, the more I admire the idea. Sully Brown, the world’s first Hunger Games champion! And imagine the money I would win! I wouldn’t need to worry about a thing the rest of my life! And not only that, but the fame that could follow is unimaginable! The more I thought about it, the more clear my answer became…

“Yes. Yes I would.”

Casca holds the mic close, ready to continue.

“We have chosen who we believe is the best and most qualified choice. He has great academic grades, amazing extracurriculars, and holds the most spirit for all of Panem. The winner is…”

My heart is thundering now, waiting with anticipation…

I hope it’s me.

It should be me.

“Sullivan Ezra Brown.”

The crowd goes nuts. People I’ve never met in my life are congratulating me, patting me on the back, but I hear none of it. My mind goes silent, still trying to comprehend what just happened. I won! I did it! I’m going to be the one to bring honor to all of Panem!

The rest of the night is a blur. I went on stage to accept an award, and celebrated with a huge party at the end. But just before I left to return home, I ran into Coriolanus again.

“Hey there!” He exclaims, running up to me.

“Oh hey Coriolanus, is everything all right?”

“Yes, It’s just… I overheard my father speaking to Casca about the rules of the game. They’re going to allow you one non-lethal weapon into the arena, and… I want you to take this with you.”

He proceeds to fumble through his pockets, and pulls out a small ring. It holds a black band with a large crimson, ruby in the center. What on earth is this?

I stumble in my confusion, “ a ring. Look that’s really thoughtful, but if I’m going into a life or death situation, I should bring something more practical. Maybe a book on poisonous plants, or even sunblock. Why a ring?

His voice held a serious tone, “Listen I can’t tell you here, there’s too many people watching. You’re just going to have to trust me, okay? If you run into any sort of danger, press the ruby gem in the center, It will help you out.” His pleading eyes met mine. “Please, you need to bring this, it could help you win the games.”

I should be practical about this. I need to bring what will be most useful to me. But what if this ring really does help me win? Can I take that risk?

After a moment of careful thought, I take the ring and shove it in my coat pocket. I’ll probably regret this later on…

As I leave I hear Casca’s voice call over the microphone one last time.

“Congratulations again to our winner Sullivan! I think I speak for all of Panem when I say, may the odds be ever in your favor!”

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