A fairytale character is dropped into this world.

How do they react? What do they find most difficult?

Where Am I?

As I stirred from my peaceful slumber, my eyes started to flutter open as I slowly began to realise the place I was in was unfamiliar. A jolt of horror ran down my back at the realisation. As I looked closer at my surroundings I noticed I was sat on a bed of waxy like paper, with walls enclosing me made of shiny, reflective what looks to be glass just a few inches above my head and upon looking around further I saw lots and lots of… me.

“How is this possible?” I murmured in shock.

“I’m the only gingerbread man. Who are all of these… these… imposters!?”

“Hey, hey, wake up” I cried out at the motionless bodies all around me. Nobody stirred.

“But how could this be I don’t understand, where am I? I said frantically.

Next second a loud click and flash of light came from somewhere above my head. The rooms glowing now, looks like somebody has turned on a light or something. This gave me more opportunity to familiarise myself with my surroundings which only made things worse as my worst fear was realised and I was indeed trapped in some sort of a glass case.

Next thing I knew, a sliding sound came from somewhere behind me and a large gloved hand, reached into the case beside me. Grabbing man after man until it grasped me too. I struggled to free myself but to no avail as I got shoved into what could only be a brown paper bag.

Then I heard a muffled voice from outside the bag.

“If that’s everything that will be two pound ninety nine please”

“Thank you very much, enjoy the rest of the day”

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