
I've written enough poems about my inability to express/recieve love.

It's not that I don't want it, moreso I don't know how to find it.

I _want_ to look at someone and feel butterflies in my stomach.

I want someone's arms around me, body molding against mine like puzzle pieces.

I want the type of love that doesn't need words; the type of love that you can just sense when you look into their eyes.

I've yet to get this feeling, as if the butterflies in my stomach just remained caterpillars, making me nauseous instead of nervous.

I want to have someone look at me and feel butterflies in their stomach.

I want them to crave my body against theirs like the last piece in a puzzle.

I want them to sense my feelings with just a look.

I want a love that doesn't need to be sexual; and I realize that's difficult nowadays.

So maybe that's why I'll never find love.

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