Inspire by Grégorienne
A person who is good at everything, other than expressing their emotions, begins to fall in love.
Writing from this character's perspective, how do they handle it?
“I think I might be dying!” I gasp to my friend Bianca as we walk through the hall.
“What are you talking about, Bea? Finally accepting you can’t take every single class and club sophomore year?” Bianca says, giving me one of her famous sarcastic looks. But she doesn’t understand.
“No! I took an emergency medical class last summer and I have the same symptoms as a heart attack. Sweaty palms, racing heart, and my stomach feels like there are a million butterflies inside that are juggling chainsaws!” I explain.
“Chainsaws, Beatrice? Really?” Bianca rolls her eyes, but then spots Peter walking in front of us, “Wait, you like Peter!”
“What? That’s ridiculous!” Sure he is in half the same clubs and sports I am and I get dizzy just thinking about us, I mean him! But that doesn’t mean I like him. Right?
“Girl, you got it bad. But, I’ve heard that he has it bad for you too! I thought it was just talk, but with Homecoming next week, who knows?” Her black curls bounce as she taps Peter’s friend Jeffery on the shoulder in front of us.
“Hey, Jeff, are you guys going to Homecoming this year?” Bianca asks, giving me the most maliciously innocent look.
“Well, yeah. Everyone here has a date accept Peter boy,” Jeff laughs, punching Peter on the arm. Peter laughs along, but his ears start to redden.
“About that, Beatrice?” Peter says, catching my eye, “You wouldn’t happen to have a date yet either?”
“Umm, uh, I…” I looked at Bianca, who proceeded to slap her forehead, “I don’t.”
“Well, in that case…” Peter started.
“But I really like you and I think you are so cool and I didn’t truly know until like 5 minutes ago so now it’s like what do I do next I’m not that good at this kind of stuff so all the word just come pouring out and I am rambling sorry, sorry, sorry!” I say, mentally panicking because I just word vomited all my feelings right in front of the coolest boy I know.
“That’s… exactly what I was gonna say,” Peter replies, smiling and taking my hand.
For once, my brain was quiet other than a quiet hum of happiness.