Before The Clouds

Remember the time and novelty of having physical copies of your memories in forms of polaroids and glossy photographs that had the date printed on the back. Well, imagine if instead it was not physical but stored on a camera. Although it saved space, it was also more susceptible to risk of loss. This was when,

as I was snapping some street art in the rough area of town, my camera was snatched from my hands. I found myself surrounded in a dirt of thugs. They encircled me like hyenas would do stop a defenceless meal.

On that phone held my adventures and precious memories. The leader asked for some money for it back. I gave this some thought. Why would they even take it if they didn’t want it. Why not just rob me of my money. Why hold onto something for no value to them. I guess that was the point. I handed them all the cash from my wallet. The leader looked at the scraps of scarce notes and weighed it with the camera like a balance.

They took off and as they left, he threw the camera to the floor.

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