Submitted by an anonymous user

"All I wanted was a lazy Sunday, but now I have to kill you."

Use this piece of speech in a story of any genre.

A Walk To Not Remember

Walking back from taking the trash out Robert slowly cracks the door to his garage and yells “honey, I’m going to go for a walk” Robert doesn’t hear a response, shrugs his shoulders cartoonishly with a weird grin and quickly goes to straight face as he shuts the door. The trees are brushing In the wind, Robert takes his time as he scrapes the back of his heels in his slippers against the worn down concrete in his neighborhood. Up comes a man who Robert hasn’t seen before.

A little person with large teeth and perfectly fit clothing. “Hey man, I saw you taking out the trash, there was a body in it” said the little person. “What?!” Gasps Robert. “Yeaaaahhh I saw you, I saw the blood and the hand, I spy on ur wife in your backyard when she’s in the shower, but never mind that! I looked over and saw the whole thing”

“Show me then!? Yelled Robert. The two walked back near the trash cans. The body was laying there at the bottom of the barrel. The little person yells and before he started to talk more Robert sticks him in the gut with a long hunting knife. “All I wanted was a lazy Sunday, but now I have to kill you, too!”

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