Nameless (1/1?)

The Angel-like being shivered and pulled her jacket closer to herself as she made her way down the beaten down wooden path. It’s been awhile since she’d been here, to the treehouse, but she enjoyed nature, though too bad it was nearly winter. She’d glanced ahead at the thicker part of the forest, remembering her encounter with a strange being- who now at this point cannot remember the name of. She knew the being to be feminine, with half and half white and black hair- though it been too hard to tell if it was dyed or not- who had many moon symbols on or around themself.

Careful not to slip on the icy ground, the protagonist made her way off the path in the direction of the treehouse. The familiar sound of faint bells grew closer, and from a distance the treehouse seemed unwelcoming. Akin to many horror movies, The Angel like being continued on despite a pit in her stomachs growing.

The state of the treehouse had quickly deteriorated since she’d last been here, looking for any signs of ‘Moon.’ “Are they still…here?” She enquired to no one in particular, as she leaned down to pick up a fallen bell half buried in the snow. The bell twinkled in her hand as she took a few more steps around the base of the tree in hopes of finding her brief acquaintance. The faint twinkling of the bells continued as the wind grew colder. There was a faint sound up ahead, but it was hard to tell what it was through the screams of the wind and snow. The sound sent a shiver through our protagonist that she doubted was from the cold.

She let go of the broken bell, she couldn’t place what it sounded like… almost like a tv? Something like that static noise when you first switch on the tv. She wasn’t sure why she was hearing it, though as her acquaintance did not own one Last time.

She chose to continue on in search… of something. The celestial looking being fought the urge to call for anyone, feeling like noise wasn’t permitted. Granted, last time she’d surprised the other being, a knife was thrown.

This was starting to creep her out. The static gotten worse and worse, and to her surprise the static noise was coming from a familiar person. Her acquaintance, crouching over a bundle of rocks. She took a few more steps to her acquaintance then stopped.

That wasn’t right.

‘Don’t.’ A voice hissed in her ear, and she flinched, as a frown appeared upon her lips. What was its problem now?

‘Leave now.’ The voice hissed again, and She’d almost found herself listening. Something was weird about this but she’d brushed off the voices warnings. The voices had done something like this in the past, in hope of making her paranoid. She couldn’t trust them.

“…Moon…? What’re you doing? It’s freezing!” She greeted, absentmindedly stepping behind them while taking not of the hair change. Their acquaintances aura was different too, no longer of flowers and moon, but only static and grey. A crack was heard as her… acquaintance? turned their head to stare at the Angel. Upon seeing the Angel, it’s eyes dilated, much like a predator staring down a prey.

The angels voice died in her throat as she took a step backwards, eyes widening. ‘RUN.’ She’d took a moment to register the voices order before licking eyes with the… thing in front of her. ‘YOU IDIOT RUN.’ For once, she listened, and turned on her heels sprinting away from the creature using her acquaintance’s face. Everything about the walk up here screamed danger and she’d ignored it.

The thing wearing moons face suddenly stopped running for a few moments, turning into a horrifying disgusting display of something akin to a centipede.

“FuckfuckfuckfuckfukfuckFUCKFUCK WHATTHEFUCKISTHAT” the now pale white protagonist dashed as fast as she could through the trees, doing her best to ignore the horrible crunching sounds of whatever the hell was chasing her. She kept running never turning to look behind her, having a feeling if she did that’ll be last thing she’ll ever do.

‘STOP ASKING QUESTIONS AND RUN.’ The voices yelled, sounding distraught. The ice and dead branches bit into her skin as she sprinted past. Doing her best to focus on running, which was hard to do, considering the forest floor was coated in branches and ice. (Word limit)

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