The Finish Line

Cmon, it cant be that scary, can it?

Yes. Yes it can be.

Hm. Then suppose you turn and leave?

No! I cant, anyway.


I can feel the ground shake at my own expense, but its not really shaking.

As crazy as it seems, its just my heartbeat pounding, and my head fueling it.

Usually, I can give myself an option, if I want to go any further, or return to my shell, where emptiness consumes my thoughts. I like it that way, empty.

How do I feel?

Truthfully, I feel nothing.

Not the good kind of nothing, where I dont feel fear, but the kind of nothing where.. its a vast sea of emptyness, where only darkness is beyond the unbearable.

My limbs force me to inch closer, but I just..

“ Doctor?”

The nurse looked at me, she was silent for a moment, almost sad, matching my worth. Sad.

“ You need to pronounce the death of your..”

“.. My sister.”

My voice was colder than I had anticipated, but thats just how it was, and would be.

The nurse’s lip twitched, unprepared for the coldness of the doctor.

“ Doctor, or, no..”

Her worried smile slipped into an empathetic frown.

“ My dear husband, Earl, please. I cant say its gonna be okay, because maybe it wont. But you wont know that until you take the first step to the finish line.”

She pecked me on the cheek.

taking my hand in hers, we walked to the finish line.

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