How A Sheep Kills

It was just an accident.


The wolf ran towards the burning house, unsure of what had transpired. Smoke rose from the flames, and he squinted, trying to see through the haze.

“Is anyone in there!” He hollered, eyes stinging from the smoke.

"Yes," a sheep's soft voice whimpered, barely audible amidst the fire. "Help me! Help me!"

Without a second thought, the wolf dashed into the house, ignoring the searing heat and the acrid smell of burning wood. His heart raced as he scanned the room for the little sheep.

“Where are you?” He shouted, making his way through the flames.

“Over here!” The sheep said, but her voice seemed to come from everywhere.

“I can’t see!” He yelled as the flame’s surrounded him.

“I’m in here!”

The wolf made his way into the room where the sheep’s voice came, but there was no sheep to be found. Instead, he encountered a pink radio placed on an empty chair, its static-filled speakers playing the sheep’s voice.

"Help me!" the sheep's voice cried again from the radio, now distorted by the fire's roar. "I'm just a poor little sheep, who set my house on fire."

The wolf's eyes widened, realization dawning upon him, but it was too late. The house crumbled, engulfed by flames that soon consumed him.

"I-I didn't mean to," the sheep's voice giggled through the radio's fading static. "It was just too easy."

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