Write a story about what what it means to be brave in your view.
Face Your Fears
With a huff, I ask, “You really think that I’m the brave one in your legends? I don’t feel particularly brave.”
I notice the left corner of his lips quirk up in the barest of smiles before he leans in closer, taking a moment to stare deeply into my eyes. I cannot help but be enchanted, staring back raptly into the depths within his eyes. I feel like he can see into every corner of my mind and for a moment, I feel anxious that he’ll see something bad. As I fight the urge to look away, his eyes continue to stare into mine, probing.
Tenaciously staring back, I’m surprised that I end up feeling more and more comfortable. All I can see is his kindness, understanding and compassion, radiating out and filling me with a warmth so strong I break out into a beaming smile.
With a deep laugh, he leans back, breaking his intense stare. “Right there! That is exactly why I know you are the brave one of legend.” He smiles broadly before asking, “Why don’t you think that you are brave?”
“To be honest, I’m not sure why I haven’t really thought of myself as brave before. I suppose it’s because bravery is generally associated with being physically able to overcome some terrifying obstacle. However, just because society generally believes something, that doesn’t make it true in all circumstances.” I scratch my head for a moment before looking back into his enigmatic eyes. He nods his head, but remains silent with that same small smile in the corner of the lips. He gives me the time to gather my thoughts, silently encouraging me to continue.
I lie back in the grass once more, closing my eyes, humming in deep thought before saying, “I think bravery is having the courage to face your fears. That means being brave is going to be different for everyone.” I pause, considering how I have been brave in my own life; what fears I have had to face.
“For me, there is nothing more brave than being honest about who you are. I have struggled with the fear that others would reject me if they really knew me. Rather than bravely being my authentic self, I let my fear dictate who and what I could be.” Slow tears run down my cheeks as I sit up and take a deep breath. “Really, my fear is that I am not enough. It takes courage to know who you are and be vulnerable enough to share that with others.”
With a sad smile, I look back to him and I’m surprised to see him crying lightly as well. He smiles and says, “This is why you are the brave one. Despite those fears you are still brave enough to be vulnerable with others, and because of that, you give them the opportunity to be vulnerable themselves. This is the only way you can truly connect with and understand others.”