You have a remote control that allows you to manipulate people’s emotions.
Write a story where your character uses the remote.
My invention
At last! My invention is complete. Months and month of trail and error, and having to secure the parts needed. The stress of having to hide the invention. But it is complete. I am ready.
The woman enters the room first. I press the button, for “happy.” She pauses, shakes her head, and looks down at me. She smiles, “Hello, Fluffy! Who’s a cute kitty cat? Huh huh?” She kneels down and scratches my ears. That, I like. The baby talk, not so much. Let’s change that. I press “Fear.”
She jumps away as if she saw a spider. She shakes, and looks to me near tears. Interesting, but this doesn’t get me any ear scratches. She darts away before I can press another button.
The man walks in next, probably wondering where his mate ran off to. He looks down at me, with a slight air of disgust. When he moved in, he wanted to be rid of me, but the woman refused. Okay, I can play with this.
Who knew “worship” was an emotion? He scoops me up, and sticks his face in my fur. My ears are scratched deliciously. Despite my apathy towards him, I purr.
He takes me to the kitchen, and places me on the table. Usually, I am not allowed here. He gets me a bowl of tuna. Lovely! The invention works, and I have gotten tuna. He strokes my fur, and I allow it.
He stops mid-pet, and looks at me in anger. Shit, this will not end well. He raises he hand as if to strike me, and I jump off the table and out of the room.
I pass the women on the way out, she had my remote. Curse her curiosity! She talks to the man in their unintelligible human speak, and hands him my remote. He is still angry, I guess she was pressing buttons on it. He looks at it, and presses a few buttons. What is it with humans and buttons? I knew I should have hidden it better.
Oh crap, they hit love. I watch, fascinated and disgusted. That’s how humans mate?
I leave, go to my cat bed, and plot my next invention.