Write two or three short letters exchanged between ex-lovers who still have feelings for one another.

Letter-writing may not be as common now, but don’t feel that you have to stick to a historical setting. What do they say to each other, and what do they leave unsaid?



Two things I’ve learned best from you. Love and heartbreak. The two most important things in life, the two things that create life. I know you’ve made a mistake, I know you know that. I just want you to know that I love you. I’m sorry I never told you before.


I read the letter over and over again. Trying to stop myself from feeling the relief that was washing over me. The relief of knowing Emily didn’t die thinking I hated her. Even if she didn’t know the whole truth. At least she died, knowing I still cared for her.

I grabbed a pen, and started writing.


Please tell me you died knowing I loved you. Because it’s the only thing in this crazy world I was sure of. And you taught me things to. Life isn’t short. It’s long and painful, most of all lonely. But with you Emily it felt short. It should have been longer, seventeen years that’s not enough. Not for anyone. And I love you too. I wish I got to say that to your face. I dreamed of doing it, so many times. In so many ways and so many different places. I never imagined this, but maybe it’s good enough Maybe some crazy thing out there will take my letter to you. I love you.


Ten years later

Ty’s letter stayed in Emily’s dresser drawer. The edges turning yellow from age.

In the right corner, there was a small scribble.

The world is a crazy place. It read.

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