In a classic body swap scenario, you wake up as a famous philosopher, about to give a grand speech on the meaning of life to thousands of people.

What will you tell them?

C’est La Vie!

I wake up, with a mind that is still my own. But my body, my voice, and purpose has changed. A crowd of people look at me, their eyes expecting something, not of something disappointing, but something meaningful to add to their everyday lives. An advise only given from a great philosopher.

But i’m not a great philosopher. This body and the soul that used to possess it may have been a philosopher, but I am just another man, formed in the image of god and raised in the fertile dirt of my family’s farm.

So, with the mouth I now possess, I voice the only truth of life that I know.

“Many people here are expecting something good, and a few wise words of another man to add another purpose and meaning to their lives. But the meaning of life is a question that has baffled even the wisest man with minds greater than me.

God didn’t put us here to fight evil demons and mosters. If he did, then he would’ve prepared his first creation of man to be better prepared than that. In my opinion, he put us here to simply live, like so many animals that he has put here besides us.

Everyone lives life in a different way, some grown up to hate it, and some has grown up cherishing it. Overall, everyone was born in different circumstances that gives them different meanings and views of life. Life in itself is both a blessing and a curse, gifts that both the embodiment of good and evil has given us. It’s not something to hate or fear, it’s simply another duty the universe has given us.

And anyone can do as they please. There are no rules besides the ones that we’ve given ourselves. You can be a poor man, a rich man, a savage, or a humble man. Either way, we’re just another creature walking the earth and another body to be put in the ground.

The best and only advise I can give is to just cherish it. Live life the best you can, make the best of your own circumstances, and make decisions that you think are the best because there will be no second chances.

C’est La Vie!”

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