Submitted by Maranda Quinn
Write a story or poem which could be titled ‘Diamond in the Rough’.
What themes might this phrase bring to mind?
A Letter to the Me Inside
It breaks not when it falls
To the unknown, it calls
Its shine is pale and mute
Still an unripe fruit
A diamond, unshaped
Formless and ashamed
Her light slumbers
So she knows not its wonders
She is a desert flower
Oblivious of her power
Made to think she‘s dull
When in truth she‘s not at all
Sometimes she forgets
How alive she‘s inside, frets
That her light is not enough
And she‘s hungry for love
But I will always be there
To remind her, to care
Beacause she
Is me
Look with your eyes, and you‘ll see
There‘s so much more that you can be
Don‘t wait until others find
How beautiful you are inside
For a diamond in the rough
Is not where it stops
Make your own shape
And call it your fate