Tell the reader everything they need to know about a character by only describing their shoes.

NSIT: One Slipper, Pink Yarn

Crime Scene Investigation Visual Report Forensic Technician Nina Liberty

Exterior, 15 Butterfly Lane, Haworthia Flats, single family dome

Eagle Model T hover car, Artic White, VIN 9037 460004, door ajar

Owned by Ryan Persons, Android, model Felton Surrogate 6700 series

Exterior and interior scanned for DNA traces

Pending touch analysis

Preliminary DNA findings:

73% human, female Lena Persons (daughter of missing person Ryan Persons, Android)

11% human, male Josh Devlin (boyfriend of missing person Ryan Persons, Android)

16% unidentified human, feline, and plant matter

Vehicle contains :

four plexicubes of female adult clothing and footwear, child clothing and footwear, jewelry, toiletries, household items, toys

Two pothos, Emerald City and Blueberry Surprise

One purse containing IDentibracelet, snack pops, chocolate almostmilk

Local video drones disabled, data wiped clean

Ground disturbed, possible struggle multiple unknown parties

2.3 meters from potential crime scene located one slipper, pink yarn crocheted with hearts size six

Very fluffy, cushioned

Technician Liberty Note

Slippers are worn for comfort. We, Androids, don’t typically wear comfort items. This slipper is not stylish. It is in fact a crudely fashioned handmade item. I surmise this slipper was a pair created by a child unskilled. High probability creator is Lena Persons. Surmise this is a sentimental item created by a child for a mother. Mother’s Day gift wrapped in colorful paper lovingly tied with string given with a card handmade and flowers maybe. Surrogates retain the children they bear very rarely. The Civil War allowed this rare of rarity to occur.


Ryan Persons, missing child abandonment, negative

Ryan Persons, missing presumed dead, tbd

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