The moment he saw what the chest contained, he wished he'd never opened it...but it was too late now.
Write a story that contains this line.
don’t go in the attic!
“gavin, dinner!” gavin’s mom yelled. gavin had just climbed into the attic after hearing a weird thumping noise above his room.
“coming!” he answered, walked towards the sound quicker. he clicked on the flashlight he had grabbed once the light from the hall wasn’t enough. the noise was getting louder as he moved farther into the attic. he finally spotted a chest sitting against the back wall. gavin took a step towards the chest when it suddenly started shaking violently. it only lasted a few seconds, but gavin was terrified. the chest was unlocked, so he raised the lid with a shaking hand.
the moment he saw what the chest contained, he wished he’d never opened it…but it was too late now. the most hideous creature gavin had ever seen was writhing around in the box. it had no eyes, and it’s skin seemed to be entirely just brown slime. it had rows of spiked teeth and wings about two feet long. it screamed when gavin pointed his flashlight at it, and he slammed the box shut before it could escape. gavin quickly ran back to the attic door and climbed down.
he was never going in the attic again.