left overs
I just can’t help being ‘romantic’…!
I’m only for now,
Not forever.
And at that moment when
You’ve opened your heart
A teeny tiny crack -
That’s when you’ll
Look for me but I’ll be gone
Off the righteous track.
Beaten like a weather vane
Left out, like the cat.
In the rain you’ll pine -
A darkened door
Empty feelings left ajar
All alone, sophomore.
‘Are you messing with me?’:
He lamented.
She said, ‘I like doing a lot of
Things with you.
Dishevelling is but
one of them.’
See his Cheshire cat smirk
Reappearing from ear to ear
Only a morning
basking shark
Would be proud
Of teeth so clear.
Can we be anything?
What is it we need?
Did you feel the last Millenium
Crushing souls with
lightening speed.
No us, we’re lost,
not left,
to give.