The Game Is Afoot

Family game night. A simple thing right? Well not really in my family. My family have a different tradition of game night. I know most families enjoy a nice maybe even hostile game of monopoly. Maybe the game is risk with strategy and precise moves. I wish we could just play a game of twister and let it be just that. Sadly no.

My family have powers. Each one of us has a different and unique power. Some call it magic with in certain circles or it’s called by others spell-casting, but I can assure no words are spoken. I wouldn’t call us mutants or wizards. We are just us.

Coming from a long line of Graces we are well known within our circles. As far as I have known there are 15 families. That doesn’t sound like a lot but we never marry outside the circle. The families have at least three children and to make things withstand each family has to have a girl with each generation. The generations have stretched since mythology times. Apollo was a Grace. King Midas is how we funded the first families and the finances for future generations. Merlin was not just anybody. Morgana was not just the sister to King Arthur. Gilgamesh was not as old as everybody makes him out to be he just had the power to time travel. A curse too because every time he jumped it aged him one year out of two hundred. Poor Gil he was told too late in life by his father. Who unfortunately had the power to see the future, but had the worst memory. You see every power in our families has a downside as well. Like a balance.

We have a hard time connecting with normal people so we mostly keep to ourselves. We are very rich and so we can keep to ourselves as well. King Midas like I said helped us out and other family members over time have had similar powers. No one family is all powerful and that’s thanks to the family game night.

Every ten years a game night is held. Over the years it’s had other names. I mean how do you think the olympics really started. The game night is really a test to see who holds control over the families from going too crazy and try taking on the world. We have had outbreaks with certain teenagers over time and the family has had to lay the law down.

Tonight is the inevitable game night. Night really isn’t the right description. The game starts at 12:00 am and ends at 11:59pm and not a minute over. The whole twenty four hours is the game stretched all over a given location that changes every decade. Every family appoints five members of proper age to participate. I was chosen this time around. every family has its unique ways of picking members to play. My family simple cast ivory dice. Other families I know such as the Michaels who use electric shock treatments to determine the losers or winners within their family.

I bet your wondering what my power is. Well I am Vincent Grace the eighth. I’m the oldest of four. I have two sisters and a brother who is 11 months younger than me. We are Irish twins so to speak. My power is matter manipulation. I can turn objects into whatever I can imagine. There is a science to it, but that’s really difficult to explain. It involves a lot of alchemy and spells and magic and yada yada. My brother Tyler Grace can shape shift to any animal …mostly mammal we believe. He hasn’t done anything else as of yet. Each child usually gets his/her powers at age 5 sometimes 6 depending the strength of the power. Usually the power is kept secret from other families, but word gets around with most of the families all getting along with each other. My power holds great responsibility with the games. Now you are wondering are the games to the death and the answer is no. It’s more like a game of tag. Injury is typical and death is rare but can still happen. I mean we are humans with power what do you expect. The winner is decided by out lasting the others. That’s why the families choose who goes into the games. You wouldn’t want a guy like Aquaman in the desert. He would lose so quick.

Back on point. Tonight is the Games and we are in New York City. I’m trying not to be too cocky because I mean NYC has so many things and places too manipulate. As the hours tick down the circle of location shrinks. By the end it’s like a two block radius. This is to prevent someone from hiding the whole time.

We know who our opponents are 15 families and 5 members from each so 75 players. That’s a lot of players to beat. The one I’m nervous about is Emery Faith. I know I know Grace-Faith…. Fate but no it’s just a coincidence. Emery has the same power as me. Which not uncommon but unusual for the same generation to have the same power.

Tonight should be fun.

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