Write a story through diary entries or letters discovered in an abandoned house.

Epistolary stories can offer unreliable narrators and incomplete narratives, giving you space to add mystery, confusion, or intrigue to your story.

Fallen Angels Still Have Guns

I ducked into the abandoned house as another bomb landed a few miles away. Too far off to find another place to sleep. But too close to stay in the house for long. Though from the wings marking the door I knew it would be standing long after the war ended. Which was probably why she suggested it. Though it had been years before I could get here.

Moving some debris, I flopped into a chair. But something crinkled underneath me. I shifted, pulling out a piece of paper. It was torn and aged, but the black ink was familiar. It was written in Kalten a language long banned due to the war.

“…forgiveness. I understand why you want to retaliate. No. Why you need to. I know you will need my gun more than my love. And for you I will become a sinner. Only for you will I start this war.”

I flipped the page over but there was no more. And the chair held no more fragments. But to know the reason why this war started would be invaluable. If only for my own sanity.

So, I searched the house until I came upon an open envelope wedged under the fridge. I ripped the paper out but was surprised to see that this was written on the official stationary of the saints. The Arkens most treasured warriors. But it was in the same handwriting as the first.

“Dear Prince Calien Of Kalte,

“This house has been bequeathed to you as a show of good will. However, if you deem to leave the grounds our treaty shall be void. I shall visit regularly in case your answer has changed. But if you do accept the proposal please send a letter through the proper channels.


“Saint Haziel of the West.”

Haziel! I looked down on the wings tattooed on my wrist. And remembered when I’d been admitted as one of her angels. Biting my lip I began to search for more.

I found another letter under a floor board. This one was stained with tears. But it was her handwriting. And it was in Kalten.


“I went to see them today. The so called sinners. Your people were in such bad condition. And the angel over them…

“I should’ve believed you. But what can I do? All the angels look up to me. If I leave what will become of them?

“I’m sorry, I can’t leave them.”

I ground my teeth together. Where were the letters he sent her? Where were the arguments to start the war? To leave us angels to fall?

I searched the closet. And I found another letter in the pocket of a coat. This one was crumpled into a ball.


“I understand your position. I never would’ve asked this favor if it weren’t important. But the fate of an entire race is on the line. And I will not watch my people die.

“No matter what my answer shall remain the same. But I have a question in return. Do you want to just survive in this backwards world? Or do you want to live? I shall await your answer,

“Forever yours,


I flipped the page. “Survive.” Was written in shaky handwriting. Haziel’s writing.

Blinking I let the paper go as Haziel’s last words came to mind.

“I want to live, not just survive.”

Poor Haziel. To have been torn between duty and love. But if the saints knew of her infraction they’d never take her back. Did she even want to come back?

There had to be another letter. Just one more to explain what she did. Why she started this war with him.

I found it under the mattress. This one was about to fall apart at the seems. But the Kalten was still legible.


“These past few days have opened my eyes. The way they treat people is horrible. They’re nothing more than an experiment.

“You’re right this can’t continue. If they are doing this to your people it’s only a matter of time before it spreads to the angels. Maybe it has already.

“Maybe I’m a dreamer but I think this war would help our people. Free them from these constraints. And live.”

So that’s why. I sank to the floor. And I laughed. The only way to live was to fall. I grabbed my shotgun as another explosion lit up the night sky. Now it was clear what I was fighting for.

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