New Sheriff In Town: Gracie Devereax

“Excuse me Chief, Dr. Sally Ferrara, Assistant Coroner, to see you,” Willow, Myrtle’s assistant, said over the com.

“Send her in, thanks Wills.”

Juggling two plasticubes, Ferrara bustled in the Chief of Security’s office. “I hope I’m not interrupting something.” Her eyes shifted from Myrtle to Hatchett and back again. Ferrara had a mischievous smile as Hatchett set her cubes on the conference table.

“What are you part of the pool on when Chief and I will hook up,” Hatchett said.

Myrtle barked, “Doctor, report.” She threw her ex a look that said behave. Hatchett turned away.

The SatNav screen flashed on. Ferrara waved a micro at the screen. An image appeared of a handsome man with ugliness behind his eyes.

“Meet Roy Devlin, age 35, ex-military, ex-paramilitary, current dick, lead for FlorCorp Security,his DNA was recovered from a portable fuel container found 17 kilometers from the Saturnine murders.,” said Ferrara.

“Rob has had a few run ins with the police, DUIs, assaults, nothing sticks, FlorCorp drops a few bribes, witnesses drop charges.”

“We know FlorCorp tried to buy out the Saturnines for cheap and now that couple is dead. The Bellevues’ farm, the Daltons, the Parks all had fires. The Morrows were disappeared. Whose behind this, this design of malignancy?” Myrtle asked.

“This is Grace Olabanjo Devereaux, age 61, Director of FlorCorp, Outlier Markets, the forensic accountants have been combing over the land transactions and stock movement,” Ferrara waved at the screen again. “There are a number of shell companies buying farm land in Orchid Valley. Buying farms not to grow.”

“She’s secretly manipulating the stock prices. Causing a scarcity.” Hatchett rubbed his chin deep in thought.

Myrtle peered at the screen. Devereaux had a generous smile with a regal silver bun and a lovely pearl choker. With a wide brim hat and a small fortune of orchids pinned to her bodice. “I will review these files. Keep following the money.”

Ferrara headed out of the office. “By the way there’s no pool on when you both will hook up. No worries.”

“I know. The pool is for when will we move in together., Take care, Doctor.” Myrtle picked through the files and threw a financial statement on the screen.

Hatchett’s mouth fell open/

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