Your protagonist has grown up with firmly ingrained beliefs. When they move abroad for a year, they are faced with situations that force them to confront these ideals.
Focus on the character's identity and how this develops throughout the course of their adventure.
I Really Thought So
"I think Santa Claus is definitely real."
"Think again, skippy. What are you, 9?"
"Well then I'm sure the Tooth Fairy is true."
"Are you sure you're not a child in a man's body?"
"If you insist. Well if the Elf on the Shelf isn't real, then I don't know what to do."
"Have fun doing nothing. You still honestly believe in that childish stuff?"
"And Ojija boards and ghosts and TikToks and lucky coins and crossing your fingers and knocking on wood and ladybugs and how everything gets better for the worse."
"Oh my lordie."
"So what are you saying?"
"I'm saying that they're not real. Wake up."
"But I really really thought so......"
"Think again."