Inspired by Kail Cleo

Create a story by writing multiple diary entries from your character (or multiple characters intertwined).

Try to make each entry build from the last to add to the storyline. If you switch perspective, make it clear that it's someone else's journal.

Diary Entries

1/4: Ugh, January is tough. Back at work tomorrow, trying to dry out from too many holiday cocktails and muster up enthusiasm for the new project they put me on. It’s supposed to be an honor, I realize, to get to work with THE Jeremy Nelson, the bright shiny star at the office since he came up with the idea that saved our biggest client last month, but he’ll probably be just another conceited asshole I have to pretend to be bowled over by in order to keep my job. Working for a family-owned marketing firm means playing by their ridiculous 1960’s patriarchal rules, at least for now. 

1/7: Sticking with dry January so far, but just barely. Thought about heading straight to the bar after our first meeting for Highline, the CBD-infused vitamin project. As expected, Jeremy is an absolute nightmare. He is 23 years old and just graduated from UVA last year. He came into the meeting barking orders like he owns the palace, which I guess he technically does since he is a 2nd cousin to the boss. What a fucking nightmare. I haven’t been putting in my dues for the last eight years to be demoralized by this prick. I asked a simple question about the launch timeline during the meeting and he got completely defensive, probably because he has no clue what he is doing.

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