Write a poem that only involves dialogue.
Remember dialogue has to be between two or more people; it cannot be a monologue. Try to make it clear which voice is speaking when.
The Crew Goes Fishing
_(Open scene at a Lake.)_
**_Glasses_**: You know I hate fishing. _(She silently fumes while giving death glares to Diva.)_
**_Diva_**: I know you have…family problems with this recreational activity we call _(She makes air quotes with her fingers)_ “fishing”, but I couldn’t think of anything else to do. Unless you want to go mud bogging?
**_Glasses, Honey Bear, Hollow_**: No.
**_Diva_**: Well then._ (She gestures at the boat, where her boyfriend—who we’ll call _**_Deep Voice_**_—waves.)_ Think of it this way, you’ll be able to meet my boyfriend! Eh? _Eh_?
_(Hollow starts at the lake, her voice small.) _**_Hollow_**: B-big water. Big water!
_(Honey Bear wraps an arm around Hollow reassuringly. She raises a brow.)_ **_Honey Bear_**: How did Emo get out of this one?
**_Diva_**: Her mom wants her to clean the house.
**_Honey Bear_**: Ah.
**_Deep Voice_**: Hey guys, you ready to go?
**_Diva_**: Yeah!
**_Honey Bear_**: Sure, I guess.
**_Glasses, Hollow_**: No….
_(Open scene in a boat floating in the middle of the river.)_
_(Hollow and Glasses are huddled against Honey Bear’s sides. Glasses looked pissed; Hollow’s eyes are wide and she is frozen. Diva and Deep Voice are chatting and fishing. The boat isn’t very large.)_
**_Honey Bear_**: Are you two okay?
**_Glasses_**: I hate this. I hate this. _(She brushes back her strawberry-blonde hair, turning red from the exposure to the sunlight)_ I wanna go back to the shore.
_(Hollow just whimpers.)_
**_Honey Bear_**: Alright, that’s it. Diva! Take us back to the shore, right now. Please.
Diva: Oh, you want to go back already? _(She checks her phone.) _It hasn’t even been thirty minutes.
_(Honey Bear’s voice grows deep, deep enough that Deep Voice himself raises his eyebrows.) _
**_Honey Bear_**: _Now_.
_(Back on shore.)_
_(Glasses has been picked up by her mom’s boyfriend. Hollow and Honey Bear sit together, drawing in the mud. Diva is sulking. Deep Voice is distracting himself by putting the fish he caught in the ice box.)_
**_Honey Bear_**: Diva.
**_Diva_**: What._ (Her voice is snappish.)_
_(Honey Bear stays calm though, she’s good at that. She pats her left side where she’s sitting on the mud with Hollow making noises to herself on the right.)_ **_Honey Bear_**: Come on. We need to talk.
_(Despite her attitude, she comes immediately.) _**_Diva_**: Is this about the boat?
**_Hollow_**: Of course it is, what else would it be about? Wait. Are you being sarcastic?
**_Honey Bear_**: You know better than anyone that Glasses hates fishing. And Hollow has said serval times that she can’t swim and she has a phobia of being in large, open water. I just wanna know why you did it.
**_Diva_**: Well, maybe, just maybe, I wanted my friends to join me on my one year anniversary with my boyfriend. And maybe…maybe, I knew about those problems and I ignored them because I thought that if we were together that we’d still have a great time…. _(Her voice grows quiet at the end of this. She averts her eyes to the ground.)_ Saying it out loud…it sounds stupid.
**_Hollow_**: And arrogant.
**_Honey Bear_**: And not like you. Look, Diva, you know we all love you and we know you love us—in your own special way. But people have boundaries for a reason: they want to be and feel safe. Did you feel safe out on the open water, Hollow?
**_Hollow_**: No.
**_Honey Bear_**: And I’m sure Glasses had a horrible time as well.
**_Hollow_**: She hates fishing because her bio-father used to always force her too with her brother.
**Diva**: Yeah…I know. I’m sorry guys.
**_Honey Bear_**: No problem.
**_Hollow_**: If you do it again, I’ll find you.
**_Diva, Honey Bear_**: …
_(Hollow goes back to humming and drawing in the mud.) _
**Honey Bear**: Sometimes I worry about you.
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