Ravishing. Chaos. Astonished.

Write a story of no more than 150 words using these words in this order. Do not change their tenses or forms.

Paying For His Sins

Kevin shook his head after Calvin finished telling his brother the latest upheaval in his marriage. In the sixteen years since they’d wed there had been four kids, physical and emotional abuse (on her part), infidelity (on both their parts), a move cross country (her demand), his job loss (caused by her), and more. “Man no offense but what the hell is wrong with you? Why didn’t you leave her a long time ago? I don’t care how ravishing she was when you met her, your life has been pure chaos since. I’m astonished you are still in it.” Kevin said, not unkindly. Calvin nodded sadly. “I know. I kept thinking it would get better. It’s going to be hell, and she’s going to lie and try anything to keep my kids from me, but for all our sakes I need to get out. I need to save us all.”
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