Sh*t Show

After an hour walk to school, a panting Jimin stops at his schools water fountain for a sip of water but halts as he noticed a coin slot on the left side of the silver machine, “I never thought I would have to PAY for this. How has it gotten to the point that people have to pay for this now?!”

He backs away from the water fountain as he sighs, “Is this school that poor?” He continues his journey down the empty halls noting that classes started 15 mins ago but he was too thirsty.

The boys restrooms was the next location to go, he didn’t wanna have to do the lowest of low. But if he doesn’t drink any water he might pass out, he cuts on the faucet and leans over and takes a sip.

The sound of the bathroom door squeaked open could be heard as Jimin finds himself frozen, still leaning over drinking water.

The unknown person coughs, “continue what your doing, imma just pee and go.”

Jimin blushed as he hurries and cuts of the water, not being able to look at the unknown guy.

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