Depict a character's room that reflects their personality.
Try not to focus only on the things they have or display, but the features of their space that reflect something about their personality.
The Room
The room looked colourful from the outside, happy pink walls with cheerful yellow accents, but as Ash entered, the happy exterior disappeared immediately. The walls were a dull gray and the windows were barred closed. It was suffocatingly hot, and water droplets dripped from the celing. Glass shards covered the floor and bloodstains, some more recent than others covered the walls, which were paper like in texture with scrawled letters that Ash couldn’t make out the lettering of. On top of all of that, there weren’t any light sources, just the miniature pocket flashlight that Ash always carried with her in case of emergency. Once she was finished looking around, her flashlight went dark, and the door slammed shut.