Submitted by Freddie

Life Without You

Write a poem or short story about what life would be like without the person you care about the most.

Solitary Confinement

Sometimes I sit and stare at the pavement and watch feet shuffle by. Each pair falling in stride with another. The steps making sound in unison. I envy that rhythm. I envy the harmony of conjoined laughter for I have fallen silent. No joyous sounds pass my lips and my gait lands noiselessly.

Sometimes I hear the echo of you in a random moment. Always random. Jarring and sudden. The reality of your absence temporarily suspended whenever i hear your chuckle come from an unfamiliar vessel. Or when I see a passing figure with dark curls blur past. Or when I catch a familiar air of that deep and husky cologne. In those little stolen moments I lose you all over again. Because just for a moment you’re almost tangible.

I miss you.

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