Create a character with a specific personailty flaw. Detail this flaw and how it affects their life, perhaps including a scene where it leads them to make a bad decision.
I’m Lily, I have one major flaw in my life, I’m indecisive.
It doesn’t matter what it is I can’t pick between each one, unless it is a no brainer. You want a example? Ok here, would you rather teleport or fly. I would just go with whatever my friends pick.
How does this affect my life? Well I have to constantly call my friends to either to homework now or later. Also when eating if there if my mom cooks many different foods and I have to pick what to eat I can’t. There is a lot more instances where this happens.
I have a therapist to help with my indecisiveness from being able to do pick no brainer stuff like calling my friends for help deciding.
One day while a was walking across a road a car suddenly appeared, I stopped and didn’t know what to do, should I run forward or backward. While the car showed no signs of slowing down. I still couldn’t decide and the car hit me. I was rushed to the hospital. Luckily the car used emergency brakes and I wasn’t hit very hard, I just got bruised