by JD_Art @

Is it a storm, is it magic, is it hope? Write a story or poem about what you see within this image.

which way to home?

What do you feel when you see this?

Astounded? Anxious? Relieved? Regretful?

Does the purple cloud it seem to be joyous and free or scared and abandoned?

Does the storm seem like something you or the purple cloud could face?

Is it something you’d avoid as much as possible?

Does this make you want to go on a journey or hideaway in a remote cabin?

Giving into the comfy and familiar, or weathering the storm to get to its eye?

There’s person in the painting looks like she is starting anew and leaving behind abuse and manipulation that did not serve her.

It looks like she may be a little nervous though, not wanting to look back and not wanting to show that fear to the outside way

There’s no one way to interpret or see this piece.

Any speculations and intentions you interpret eare right in connection with your life

The cool think about art is it makes you think and challenges people to stay strengths based

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