The Virus

My fingers felt like they were going to snap off. The cold nipped at my fingertips, promising icy blue hands, and bodies left in the snow. I pulled on the thick black rubber gloves given to everyone on the extraction team. Paired with the bright red jumpsuits, we looked like we were ready to scrub those bathrooms you see on hoarder shows. I brought up my memory card and shifted through the little clips of life. There it was. Me and Annabeth, talking, wearing the brought orange jumpsuits, and laughing. I only we could go back to that time. When Annabeth… Nevermind. I swiped away the memory and forced myself to think about something else. “Alright team!” Diego called. “Time to clear out the quarantined area!” Diego gestured to the huge metal aircraft, and grimaced. More people gone to the Virus. As Diego spoke, I could see the sparks drain from people’s eyes. How many more people did we have to lose to find a cure? “Remember to keep your masks on at all times! We can’t have more…” Diego faltered. “Try not to get sick.” I knew what he meant; don’t die. I pulled the gas mask on over my head as I headed up the ramp into the aircraft. The stench of dead people hit me, even through the gas mask. “All we have to do is get the bodies out of here.” I whispered to myself. My body seemed to pull away from where I was standing, trying to escape, be anywhere but here. Even so I had to keep going. I walked through the door, entering what seemed like a labrynth. The End. :)

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