Submitted by L D

In the ruins of a forgotten civilization, a traveler finds a mirror. Gazing into it, they see vivid memories of an ancient stranger's life and are drawn into its joys and sorrows...

Time Mirrors

People often called me a time traveler. In reality, I am an explorer. I look for time mirrors.

These magical artifacts were like windows into the past. I could see memories of the people as if I was one of them.

I found one in Machu Picchu, depicting the Incas people build the incredible infrastructure.

I found one in Sweden, showing Vikings crafting axes and beautiful boats.

I saw the Native Americans of the north, building houses out of ice and using huskies to get around.

I always found it amazing how these people evolved so much.

But I have a secret. Not only can I see the past, but the future. The world is not ready to know.

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