Write a Valentines Day story or poem about something you love that isn't a person.

It can be anything other than a human; likely humorous, but it doesn't necessarily have to be funny!

One More Symphony

M agnificent you are, so beautiful, and wondrous.

U nique you are, diverse in culture, and tune.

S weet is your sound, wether soft, or thunderous.

I mpactful you are, on my life, and my view.

C aptivating you are, your sound enchanting and soothing,

Though it’s rough, the inevitable is true.

D evastated I am, to know that one day I’ll lose you.

E mpty I will be, when my hearing leaves.

A fraid I am, when inescapable silence pursues.

F ated I am, to stop hearing your symphony.

(S lowly and surely, I am losing my hearing.

A wful it is that there is no cure.

D readful am I, of the hearing I’m losing,

Because oh, music, do I love you.)

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