Across the Stars

Dear Elara,

It’s been a while since we last spoke, and I must say, I miss our days of traveling through the lunar colonies together. I heard you recently completed your genetic enhancement for the tenacity trait—how are you finding it? I’ve been thinking of getting the curiosity boost, but I’m not quite convinced yet. My friend Taris says it’s amazing, but I’m wary. The last thing I need is more sleepless nights buried in data archives.

I finally took a trip to the underwater city of Nyx—remember how we always talked about it? It’s more beautiful than the projections ever showed us, with bioluminescent reefs lighting the skyline at night. What surprised me most, though, was how peaceful it feels down there, despite all the talk about rising tensions with the Pacific Federation. Everyone moves slower, more deliberate, like they’ve all synced their rhythms with the ocean.

Speaking of sync, I’ve been doing a lot of mind-linking lately, and I’m still not used to the sensation of someone else’s thoughts moving through me. It’s surreal, Elara. Yesterday, I participated in a group knowledge session with the Global Nexus, and for a few minutes, I could feel the entire room’s collective consciousness merge into one stream. It’s like being part of a living organism, each of us a cell. Have you tried it yet? It would fascinate you. Honestly, though, I had to break off after an hour—the intensity is overwhelming.

I can’t help but think how different everything must seem to you now. When you moved to Mars, I worried we’d lose touch, but it turns out interplanetary communication isn’t as bad as they made it sound. Time dilation is still weird to think about, though. By the time you read this, it might have already been a few weeks for you. Have they perfected that faster-than-light communication yet?

Do you still remember the old days when we’d debate whether AI would replace human artists? Now, it feels strange to even recall that argument. After all, most of the galleries now feature human-AI collaborations. There’s an exhibition coming up next month where the AI not only helped craft the visuals but also projected the emotional responses the artist would have wanted their audience to feel. I wonder what the artists of a hundred years ago would say.

Anyway, I’ve been rambling. I hope life on Mars is treating you well and that you’ve settled into your new habitat smoothly. I’d love to visit soon and see the new Earth-like domes I’ve been hearing about. You always said you wanted a garden; have you started one yet? Imagine—a Martian garden! The idea still makes me smile.

Until we see each other again, stay safe, Elara. There’s a lot of talk about geopolitical shifts, and with the lunar territories becoming more independent, who knows what the future holds? Maybe you’ll be one of the first Martian diplomats.

Write soon, or better yet, send a mindlink. I’d love to feel your thoughts again, if only for a moment.



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