The Aftermath

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The aftermath

I have no idea how it happened. I never meant for it to happen. Dear Bast, forgive me.

It started as a normal day. I woke up, stretched, and wandered downstairs. Ate some breakfast, washed it down with some nice, cool water, and planned my naps for the the day.

But then, I smelled it. The herb. That glorious herb which is a glory and and a bane to all feline kind. Catnip.

It was sprinkled on the cat tree by one of the humans (I can’t tell them apart.) I tried to resist its siren call, but I gave in to my nature.

First, just a sniff. I swear, just a small sniff. Then, just a little roll, it’s exercise, right. It then caught a hold of me, and I was it’s servant. My eyes dilated, my ears folded back. I sang the song of my people in pure nip bliss. I heard the humans laugh, but I didn’t care.

I couldn’t control it anymore, I had to run! Leaping off the cat tree, I ran as my an ancestors once ran when pursing prey. I was feral, I was free.

I paused to clean a wayward patch of fur, and tried to collected myself. Nope! More nip was needed, so I leapt back on the cat tree and indulged myself.

A second runaround the house then followed. To honor my wild cousins, I climbed the tree the humans had set in the big room. I looked out as I imagine a fierce leopard might. Unfortunately, I was still nip-drunk. I lost my balance, and down I fell. Along with the tree. Along with the shiny things on the tree. In a panic, I jumped in the counter. More items fell to the ground.

I fled upstairs, and under the bed. I started to in come down, and realized my folly. I have shamed myself, my species. These humans did this for their own pleasure, and I vow revenge.

After more nip.

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