Write a passage in the perspective of the most evil fictional character in your opinion.
Is this character motivated by something, or simply being evil for the ske of it? Make sure to articulate their aim well in their perspective.
She Feeds Off Vulnerability
She pretends to be kind, as she finds out your weaknesses, only to use them against you.
She says she is your friend, but behind your back she drenches your name in toxic sludge.
She is so good at making you think that she cares, that you think that you are the one who is crazy when she suddenly withdraws any affection.
Your intution tells you that her intensions are manipulative, but somehow she makes you forget about it momentarily.
And as soon as you let your guard down, you immediately regret it, because now she has you exactly where she wants you to be.
She wants you to feed her your energy, she wants to take your light for herself, she wants to feel powerful by making you feel powerless.
It's normally too late to save yourself, because she does it without you even realising it.
It can go on for years, the taking and taking and taking.
One day you say
I have had enough
and will no longer feed your ego.
And from then on you wear your boundaries like a shield,
or you break contact completely
and block the shit out of that toxicity from your life.
If you don't,
you will end up giving your whole self to her.